
Ultimately you must forget about technique. The further you progress, the fewer teachings there are. The Great Path is really no path. - Morihei Ueshiba

  1. Attributes
  2. Saves
    1. When To Save
  3. Healing and Recovery
  4. Deprivation and Fatigue
  5. Armor
  6. NPC Reactions
  7. Morale
  8. Retainers
  9. Luck – 運 (Un)
  10. Wealth and Treasure
  11. Gaining HP


Each of the three attributes are used in different circumstances.

Strength (STR) / 筋力 (Kinryoku – Strength)

Used for saves requiring physical power, like lifting gates, bending bars, resisting poison, etc.

Dexterity (DEX) / 敏捷力 (Binshouryoku - Agility)

Used for saves requiring poise, speed, and reflexes like dodging, climbing, sneaking, balancing, etc.

Willpower (WIL) / 気合 (Kiai – Fighting Spirit)

Used for saves to persuade, deceive, interrogate, intimidate, charm, provoke, manipulate, etc.


A Save is a roll to avoid bad outcomes from risky choices and circumstances. PCs roll a d20 for an appropriate attribute. If they roll equal to or under that attribute, they pass. Otherwise, they fail.

  • A 1 is always a success.
  • A 20 is always a failure.

If two opponents are each trying to overcome the other, whoever is most at risk should save.

If two characters need to take an action together, whoever is most at risk should save (usually the character with the lowest relevant Attribute).

When To Save

It is assumed characters are capable of simple activities, smart decisions, and specialized tasks tied to their backgrounds that do not require a save roll.

A character should Save only if one or more of the following conditions are met:

  • When the outcome of an action is uncertain.
  • When something is at risk (a life, a danger, etc.).
  • When making a critical damage save during combat.

Saves can happen both in and out of combat. A Save is almost never required when a character is under attack, as attacks hit automatically.

However, there are situations in which the story might dictate that an attack is automatically unsuccessful or impossible.

Healing and Recovery

Resting for a few moments and having a drink of water restores lost HP but leaves the party exposed.

Attribute loss (see Critical Damage) can usually be restored with a week’s rest facilitated by a healer or other appropriate source of expertise.

Some of these services may be free, while more expedient or mystical means of recovery may come at a cost.

Deprivation and Fatigue

A PC that lacks a critical need (such as food or rest) is Deprived and unable to recover HP or attributes.

Anyone Deprived for more than a day adds Fatigue to their inventory, one for each day. Each Fatigue occupies one slot and lasts until they are able to recuperate (such as a full night’s rest in a safe spot).

PCs can also gain Fatigue through events in the fiction.

If a character is forced to add Fatigue to their inventory but they have no free slots, they must drop an item from their inventory.


Before calculating damage to HP, subtract the target’s Armor value from the result of damage rolls.

Shields and similar armor provide a bonus defense (e.g. +1 Armor), but only while the item is held or worn.

No PC can have more than +3 Armor.

Equipment may provide additional benefits according to their use.

NPC Reactions

When the PCs encounter an NPC whose reaction to the party is not obvious, the Guide may roll 2d6 and consult the following table:

2 Hostile 9-11 Kind
3-5 Wary 12 Helpful
6-8 Curious    


Enemy NPCs must pass a WIL save to avoid fleeing when the first member of their group dies and again when they lose half their number.

Some groups may use their leader’s WIL in place of their own. Lone foes must save when they’re reduced to 0 HP or less. Morale does not affect PCs.


PCs can hire retainers to aid them.

To create a retainer: roll 3d6 for each attribute, then give them 1d6 HP and a simple weapon (d6), then continue to roll on the Character Creation tables to further flesh them out.

Retainers cost between 1-3 ryo per day, or a share of whatever treasure the party obtains.

Luck – 運 (Un)

Sometimes there will be an element of randomness without rolling a Save, particularly in situations dictated by luck or which fall outside of Attributes.

For these situations roll a d6.

  • A low roll favors the PC
  • A high roll means bad luck for the PC

The Guide decides what a specific result means for the situation at hand.

Wealth and Treasure

Currency is broken down into minted ingots and coins of precious metals:

1 gold ryo ingot is equal to 10 silver bu coins and 100 copper shu coins.

Treasure is highly valuable, usually bulky, and rarely useful beyond its value. It can be a lure, taking PCs to exotic and even dangerous locations, and is often under the protection of intimidating foes.

Villages, strongholds, and ports of call barter and trade based on the local rarity and value of an item or commodity.

Gaining HP

PCs can gain HP through experiences and knowledge that helps them stay alive in a dangerous world.

  • The first Permanent Wound grants 1d6 HP. This bonus only applies for the first Permanent Wound.